The Parent Liaison, Exceptional Student Education (ESE), works to empower parents by facilitating communication between schools and home, which promotes parent engagement. The Parent Liaison, ESE, increases parent knowledge and understanding of their rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including students' and families rights under the Procedural Safeguards, by providing information in individual and group settings, links to resources, and assistance in navigating the system to improve student academic and social success in school and in the community.

Our Mission

The mission of Polk County Public Schools is to provide a high-quality education for all students.

In accomplishing this mission, we envision that students will effectively:

  • read, write, compute, speak, listen, and use complex thinking skills to solve problems
  • be self-directed in creating personal purpose and vision, setting priorities, choosing ethical action, and creating their own knowledge
  • cooperate and collaborate with others in working with and leading groups, interact positively in diverse settings, recognize the value and contributions of all individuals, and make positive contributions to their communities
  • understand and use social, organizational, and technological systems; design, monitor, improve and correct performance within a system; and create viable products

These desired student outcomes and practices will be fostered and nurtured in schools and classrooms in which:

  • adults assume instructional and ethical leadership to create efficient, effective environments perceived as safe, healthy, and equitable, where students are recognized as unique individuals capable of learning and independent thinking
  • adults use varied and reliable teaching and evaluative procedures through relevant curricula
  • adults enable students, families, and communities to work cooperatively to assume responsibility for the total educational experience
  • adults engage in professional growth and training activities to effect continuous improvement
  • students are guided in their total physical, mental and emotional development through activities that are student-centered and focus on positive expectations and encourage intrinsic motivation
Need Help?

Stephanie Carte
ESE Parent Liaison
863-535-6488 Ext. 441