The Career and Technical Education programs prepare students for high-skill, high-wage or high-demand occupations in today’s workforce. These programs are organized into different areas of study and available to middle and high school students. Programs are organized into various pillars and are available in middle school, high school, and district technical schools. With the help of partners in education, business and industry, and trade associations, each program includes the academic and technical skills required to be successful in today’s economy.

Career and Technical Education Pillars

  • Agriculture

    The Agriculture Pathways are a highly technical, ever-changing sector of the global economy upon which everyone is dependent. We will continue to meet national and global demand for safe and abundant food, fiber, and fuel supply if we invest in the growth and development of the human capital for the agriculture industry. Strong, relevant Agriculture career and technical education programs that are informed by industry and education stakeholders are one way we can meet workforce needs now and in the future. Agricultural education typically involves a combination of classroom instruction, hands-on training, and practical experience in various aspects of agriculture. This pathway can include courses in animal science, agribusiness, horticulture, and more. Students may also participate in internships, cooperative education, and research projects to gain practical skills and real-world experience.

  • Business & Marketing Management

    The Business and Marketing Course Pathways offer a comprehensive exploration of key concepts in entrepreneurship, economics, and marketing. Through engaging and interactive coursework, students will develop a foundational understanding of business principles and marketing strategies essential for success in today's global marketplace. From learning about the fundamentals of business operations to exploring the intricacies of digital marketing and branding, our pathways empower students to cultivate critical thinking skills, creativity, and an entrepreneurial mindset. Through hands-on projects and real-world simulations, students will apply their knowledge to solve practical challenges, preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors in the dynamic world of business and marketing.

  • Communications & Information Systems

    The Communications and Information Systems Pathway offers courses in the clusters of Arts, A/V Technology, & Communications, and Information Technology. Featuring courses in Digital Video Technology, Television Production, Digital Media Technology, Digital Cinema Production, and Digital Media/Media Production, the Communications and IS pillar aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively create and disseminate media content across various platforms. These courses typically cover a range of topics including visual storytelling, digital media production techniques, media writing, and multimedia design. Students learn how to conceptualize, plan, and execute media projects using industry standard equipment and technologies. Practical skills development through these hands-on projects is emphasized to prepare students for careers in areas such as broadcast, filmmaking, advertising, journalism, public relations, digital marketing, and multimedia productions.

  • Industrial, Manufacturing, and Engineering

    Career and Technical Education in Industrial, Engineering, and Technology plays a crucial role in preparing individuals for the ever-evolving demands of the workforce. By blending academic knowledge with hands-on practical skills, these programs empower students to develop a strong foundation that is directly applicable to real-world industries. From mastering the intricacies of engineering principles to harnessing the latest technological advancements, Career and Technical Education in these fields equips individuals with the tools and expertise needed to thrive in diverse professional settings.

  • Human Services and Resources

    The Human Resource and Services Pathway encompasses a diverse array of educational opportunities within the Human Services, Government & Public Administration, Hospitality & Tourism, and Education & Training Career Clusters. Students pursuing this pathway have access to a wide range of programs aimed at developing skills in, consumer services, fashion design, governance, planning, revenue & taxation, regulation, public management & administration, restaurant and food/beverage services, lodging, travel and tourism, and recreation, amusements & attractions. These educational offerings, which include hundreds of programs throughout the state, are available at various institutions such as school districts, community colleges, and state universities. Through the Human Resource and Services Pathway, individuals are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to address the diverse needs of communities, manage public resources effectively, and provide high-quality services across various sectors. Students enrolled in the Human Resources and Services pathways can participate in Career and Technical Student Organizations; Family, Career, And Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA), and SkillsUSA.

  • Health Science

    This series of courses is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills necessary to obtain industry certification at the technician level in a variety of fields. The program integrates academics with hands on experiences to ensure students are well prepared for success after graduation. The high school program begins to focus on specific areas of interest.
    Health Science Anatomy and Physiology lays the groundwork for all types of future careers in healthcare. Students will study the structure and function of the body, acquire basic medical terminology, and explore careers related to the various body systems.
    Health Science Foundations students build on the learning in A&P and add new hands-on skills in basic health care tasks such as infection control, vital signs, and Basic Cardiac Life Support. Other topics include legal and financial aspects of health care and job-related soft skills.
    Level 3 allows students to focus on multiple industry certification opportunities in fields such as Electrocardiography, Medical Administrative Assistant, Phlebotomy and Emergency Care.

Career Academies

Career Academies are small, personalized learning communities centered on a career theme. These exciting programs, which include a college-prep curriculum and a path to industry certifications, challenge students and assist them in finding an engaging career path. Career Academies align with local industry needs and ensure that students are prepared to become skilled employees in high-demand occupations. Through a dynamic curriculum, support from a local advisory committee and partnerships with employers, the community and higher education, students are prepared for future educational and career success.

A Career Academy involves teachers from different subjects working together as a team.

Staff teams, who often share common planning time, work together to implement the key features of the Career Academy and provide students with career training. Students may be grouped together for several periods every day with a core group of teachers. This promotes a family-like atmosphere and results in close student-teacher ties.

Additionally, many Career Academies offer opportunities for on-the-job training, job shadowing, or internships as well as the option to earn college credit while in high school.

Career Pathways

Dynamic Educational Involvement:

Partnerships Between:

  • Schools (secondary and postsecondary)
  • Employers
  • Families and community leaders

A Process of Teaching and Learning That:

  • Expects high levels of achievement from all students
  • Recognizes and addresses various learning styles
  • Integrates practical applications into academics

A Curriculum Structure That:

  • Is central, but not limited, to grades nine through 14
  • Keeps student choices and career/educational options open
  • Prepares students for critical thinking and lifelong learning

Benefits of Tech Prep:

For Teachers

  • Student recruitment and retention
  • Establishes standards and benchmarks for student success
  • Presents networking opportunities with peers and colleagues from postsecondary institutions

For Students

  • Ability to earn tuition-free college credit
  • Ability to get a jumpstart on a high-wage career
  • Gain lifelong employability skills
  • Chances to network with potential employers
CTE Student CTE Students CTE Student CTE Students


Polk County Public Schools is committed to ensuring that Career and Technical Education programs are accessible to everyone. Learn about our commitment by reviewing our annual notice of nondiscrimination for CTE programs.