Rochelle School of the Arts Celebrates Revamped Auditorium
Posted on 04/11/2023
Auditorium Ribbon Cutting

The revamped auditorium at Rochelle School of the Arts made its official debut last week.

In July 2022, work began to transform the school’s aging auditorium into a modern home for performing arts. Construction recently wrapped up. Features include new seating for the audience, greater accessibility for those with disabilities, fresh paint and carpeting, upgraded fiber optic connectivity, and more.

Rochelle Auditorium Revamp View

The renovations cost more than $574,000. Funding was made possible by Polk County’s half-cent sales tax, which voters renewed in 2018.

Through this significant investment, the auditorium will continue to host special events and showcase Rochelle’s talented students for many years to come.

Choral Group Revamp Auditorium