PCPS Conducting Survey for Grant Application
Posted on 10/09/2023
Polk County Public Schools is applying for a competitive grant and is seeking feedback from various community stakeholders as part of the application process.

The Stronger Connections Grant provides school districts with funding to help establish and support safer and healthier learning environments in their communities.

PCPS is applying for this grant and has developed a feedback survey for parents, students, PCPS employees, and other community stakeholders. Please consider sharing your thoughts on the needs and challenges facing our school district as well as possible solutions and programs to improve them.

This survey is anonymous, and the input will help PCPS develop potential grant activities designed to make our schools safer and healthier. The deadline to participate is this Friday, Oct. 13. 

Click here to take the survey: https://forms.office.com/r/gSxLDW6bfA