Alturas Elementary’s Gloria Jones Prepares to Say Goodbye
Posted on 02/08/2024
Gloria Jones Prepares to Say Goodbye

What were you doing in 1979?

Gloria Jones was just starting work as a school nutrition assistant at Alturas Elementary, and she’s still there today … for just a while longer.

After an extraordinary 45-year career, Jones is preparing to leave the cafeteria behind. She was once an Alturas student herself and has served multiple generations of children at this “hidden gem” of a school.

“Everbody loves Gloria,” says Principal Charles Pemberton. “She has a heart for the kids. No one can replace her.”

Jones said she has been fortunate to serve the Alturas community for so long. She enjoys making the students happy — especially on pizza days — and says her co-workers are like family.

“I love my job, I love what I’m doing,” she said. “I’ve been blessed.”

Alturus Elementary Cafeteria Staff