Facilities and Operations Projects

Design and Construction Project Specifications

For information regarding design and construction project specifications, contact Facilities and Operations at 863-534-0620, ext. 488.

Public Announcements

All public announcements will be advertised for three consecutive Sundays in The Ledger under Public Notices.

For public announcement information regarding architects/engineers and continuing contracts for architects/engineers, contact Architectural Services at 863-534-0620, ext. 488.

For public announcement information regarding construction manager-at-risk, continuing contracts and pre-qualified vendors (PQV), contact Facilities and Operations at 863-534-0620, ext. 503.

Facilities Master Plan

For more information regarding, or to receive a copy of the Facilities Master Plan, contact Facilities and Operations at 863-534-0620 ext. 488.

Bid Awards

Bid awards will be posted at the Polk County Public Schools’ District Office in the Facilities and Operations Department. For more information, contact Construction Services at 863-534-0620, ext. 503.

Lease of School Board Property

For more information regarding leasing School Board property, contact the Planning and Concurrency Department at 863-534-0620, ext. 490.

Selection Process

  • For information regarding the selection process for architects/engineers and continuing contracts for architects/engineers, contact Architectural Services at 863-534-0620, ext. 488.
  • For information regarding the selection process for construction manager-at-risk, continuing contracts and pre-qualified vendors (PQV), contact Facilities and Operations at 863-534-0620, ext. 503.

Printable Forms

For Permit Applications, Product Approval Forms or Inspection Request Forms, please contact Facilities and Operations at 863-534-0620, ext. 488.