Can't find what you need?

Use the information and FAQ's below to help you through the application process. Should you still need further assistance, please contact our Human Resources Department by clicking Contact Us.

Application Procedures

A few things we think are good to know…

  • During the online application process, you will be assigned a reference number. This is your Polk County Public Schools application number.
  • For security reasons, after 15 minutes, if you have not made an entry on the application, you will be disconnected from our system and will have to log in again.
  • Our website uses standard encryption provided by Thawte Corporation to secure the data you transmit to us via the internet.
    • This is the industry-standard best practice for protecting internet transmissions.
    • Your application is password-protected, but it is your responsibility to ensure your password is complex enough so that it cannot be guessed.

Additional Information for Applicants

Which best describes you?