National School Social Work Week: Meet Victor Flores
Posted on 03/09/2021
National School Social Work Week: Meet Victor Flores

It's National School Social Work Week! Every year, the School Social Work Association of America sets aside the first full week of March to recognize the contributions of school social workers.

On a daily basis, school social workers help to eliminate barriers to student success by providing counseling services, connecting families to community resources, or responding in times of crisis. This week, Polk County Public Schools is taking the time to highlight our own school social workers.

Today we meet Victor Flores, a school social worker for seven years who's worked for PCPS since 2016.

What do you like most about being a school social worker?

I love facilitating resources for students and families in order to meet their needs. I enjoy providing support services to my assigned schools and other schools throughout the district.

What's the biggest challenge you face in your job?

One of the biggest challenges of this job is being able to separate my emotions from the task at hand. In making home visits, I get to see the complexity of the family's struggles and the student's needs. These challenges allow me to constantly grow as an individual and have equipped me to better serve my students and their families.

Describe what you're most proud of during your time at PCPS.

I love using my bilingual skills to assist students, families and school staff. I am also excited about achieving one of my professional goals while being employed with PCPS: I am currently working on completing my master's degree in clinical social work and will be graduating this spring.

Can you tell us one success story from your time at PCPS?

Last year, I helped a family who lost everything in their home due to a fire. Moments like these make all of this worth it; I am humbled by them. The student and her family had to move in with a relative while the situation was resolved. After a while, the family recovered the same home, which had been remodeled. I was able to get the family everything necessary for them to start over, without them having to buy any household items. Everything was donated through our school district's TASSEL Project and other donations I was able to collect.

Everyone at PCPS contributes something special. What do you think you bring to our organization?

I have more than 10 years of experience in social work, I am bilingual/biliterate, and I have the dedication and true passion to serve others.

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