Title I-Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, provides additional funding for supplemental academic support to schools with a high percentage of poverty. The level of poverty is determined by the number of children in the schools receiving free or reduced‐price meals or direct certification data at schools with Community Eligibility Provision.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, provides benefits to private school students, teachers and parents, including those in religiously affiliated schools. Private school administrators are invited to an annual meeting to explore possible Federal Grants services in the areas of Title I (Education of the Disadvantaged), Title II (Professional Development services), Title III (ESOL), Title IV (21st Century), and Title X (Homelessness).

Under Title I, the district is required to provide to eligible private school children, their teachers, and their families Title I services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children, their teachers, and their families.

Private schools that are 501(c)(3), nonprofit organizations may complete an Intent to Participate Form to take part in private school services offered by the district. Community outreach letters are distributed via certified mail to all private schools in Polk County in January of each year to participate the following school year.

Title I Project Application Plan

The school district develops a plan each year that is submitted to the Florida Department of Education to describe the resources that will be provided with these funds. Examples of support that may be provided include intervention teachers, supplemental classroom materials and equipment, professional development for teachers, parental involvement activities, after-school tutoring and summer programs. Information about this plan is available through the school district’s Federal Programs and Grants Management office. Parental input regarding this plan is solicited each year.

Please contact the Federal Programs and Grants Management office if you would like to see the plan or make suggestions or comments.


Schoolwide/School Improvement Plan

Title I schools develop a Title I Schoolwide/School Improvement Plan each year and include information in the plan about how their Title I funds will be used to support the academic program in the school. The plans are developed with input from school staff, parents, and the School Advisory Council. School Improvement Plans are available at each school site and on each school’s website. Translation services are available upon request. 

Critical Program Elements

  • Comprehensive needs assessment and schoolwide plan
  • Support for Title I Focus and Priority schools
  • Support for students in neglected and delinquent sites
  • Coordination of services for homeless students in non-Title I schools
  • High-quality teachers and paraprofessionals
  • Professional development

Under Title I, the district is required to provide to eligible private school children, their teachers, and their families Title I services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children, their teachers, and their families.

Private schools that are 501(c)(3), nonprofit organizations may complete an Intent to Participate Form to take part in private school services offered by the district. Community outreach letters are distributed via certified mail to all private schools in Polk County in January of each year to participate the following school year.

Private Schools

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, provides benefits to private school students, teachers and parents, including those in religiously affiliated schools.

Private school administrators are invited to an annual meeting to explore possible federal grant services in the areas of Title I (Education of the Disadvantaged), Title II (Professional Development services), Title III (ESOL), Title IV (Student Support and Enrichment), and Title X (Homelessness).

Under Title I, the district is required to provide to eligible private school children, their teachers, and their families Title I services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children, their teachers, and their families.

Private schools that are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations may complete an Intent to Participate Form to take part in private school services offered by the school district. Community outreach letters are distributed via certified mail to all private schools in Polk County in January of each year to participate in the following school year.

For more information contact:

  • Sheila Dyer, Principal on Assignment, 863-457-4707 ext.618
  • Eileen Killebrew, Principal on Assignment, 863-457-4707 ext. 624
  • Cynthia Stybel, Student Assignment Specialist, 863-457-4707 ext. 619

District Parent & Family Engagement Plan

Right to Know

All Title I schools are required to employ only highly qualified teachers and instructional paraprofessionals. You will be notified in writing if your child has been assigned or has been taught for more than four consecutive weeks by a teacher who has not met the “highly qualified” criteria.

In addition, you have the right to:

  • Know whether your child’s teacher(s) and/or paraprofessional(s) meet the state certification requirements for the grade levels and subject areas in which they provide instruction
  • Know whether a teacher and/or paraprofessional is teaching under emergency or other provisional status and state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived
  • Receive information on the qualifications of a teacher and/or paraprofessional, including the graduate certification or degree held by the teacher and/or paraprofessional, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree

If you would like to receive this information, please contact your child’s school.

Right to Know Letters

EduData Portal

The department is pleased to announce the release of the 2018-19 School, District and State Report Cards in the EduData Portal. These report cards serve as a valuable resource for parents, educators and stakeholders by offering greater transparency into how Florida’s districts and schools are doing with regard to student achievement and success.

The 2018-19 Report Cards not only provide the 2018-19 performance data, but also contain several new features including a State Report Card; educator qualifications and equity; per-pupil expenditures; and national data. The department will continue to update information in the report cards as new data become available, as well as develop new enhancements based on user feedback received through the portal. News and updates about ongoing enhancements will be provided to those who subscribe through the portal.